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Victim Impact Statement: To Dargan Watts and the Justice System That Has Failed Me

Dargan Watts,

You are not just a stranger who forced your way into my life and violated me in the most horrific way imaginable—you are a man who has thrived in a system designed to protect you while silencing me. You didn’t just take what wasn’t yours to take. You used your power, your influence, and the systemic failures of the justice system to avoid accountability and deny my voice.

You targeted me when I was a professional simply trying to do my job, appearing as talent at an event. You dangled singing work—something you knew was my passion, my career—to lower my guard, to keep me in your orbit long enough to execute your plan. You manipulated the situation to exploit my dreams and my ambition, twisting that opportunity into a trap. And when I resisted your advances, you didn’t stop. You pinned me down. You raped me.

But your violence didn’t end there. What you did to me in that moment is compounded every day by what you’ve done since—denying, lying, silencing me, and twisting the system to shield yourself. You’ve used the justice system as another weapon against me, exploiting its weaknesses to further your campaign of denial and erasure.

To the justice system, I ask: how is it that a man like Dargan Watts can so easily avoid accountability? How is it that my cries for help, my evidence, and my truth can be so easily dismissed—without even a conversation or an investigation that includes me, the victim making the claim?

I have been treated like I am invisible. Every attempt I’ve made to seek help, to pursue justice, has been met with silence, indifference, or outright rejection. Meanwhile, Dargan has moved through life untouched, protected by a system that values his lies over my truth. This is what rape culture looks like.

When survivors come forward, the system should listen. It should ask questions, investigate claims, and prioritize truth. But that hasn’t been my experience. I have been gaslit, silenced, and discarded. My pain has been ignored, and my abuser has been enabled—because this system was never built for people like me. It was built for people like him.

Dargan, you represent everything that is wrong with this culture and this system. You have manipulated power and privilege to harm others and evade responsibility. You have hidden behind the system’s indifference to silence me, to erase me, and to protect yourself.

But I refuse to be erased. I refuse to let this system continue to fail survivors without speaking out. My story matters. My truth matters. And I will not stop until the world knows what you did—to me and to others who suffer in silence because of this broken system.

To the justice system: you have a choice. Will you continue to protect men like Dargan Watts at the expense of survivors like me? Or will you finally listen? Will you finally act? Will you finally value truth and justice over convenience and denial?

Dargan, your time is running out. This system may have failed me so far, but I am here to fight for change—not just for me, but for every survivor who has been ignored, silenced, or discarded.

This ends now. I will not stop until the truth is heard and this system is forced to reckon with its failures. You cannot silence me. You cannot erase me. My voice is louder than your lies, and I will make sure it’s heard.

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